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Newark Dementia Carers Group 9 year Anniversary


(left to right is W/Bro Kevin Hyland, Mrs Elaine Ellison, Jenny Bosson, Mrs Penny Maheson (President of NDCG) W/Bro John Lawrence, W/Bro Bill Asley, W/Bro Ken Purslow.)

A Luncheon was held today (Wednesday 21st of June) at the impressive Kelham House Country Manor. It is an Edwardian Manor built in 1903 by the Manners-Sutton family. The house was known at one time as The Red House because of its red brick exterior. With its beautifully manicured extensive grounds bathed in sunshine it was a sight to behold for any visitor.

The luncheon was held to celebrate the ninth anniversary of the Newark Dementia Carers Group’s formation. There were forty five present including. W/Bro John Pawlik, Chairman Nottinghamshire Provincial Charity Committee. W/Bro Kevin Hyland Chairman Nottinghamshire Provincial Case & Finance Committee. W/Bro Ken Purslow Chairman Newark Charity Stewards Committee and member of Nottinghamshire Provincial Case & Finance Committee. W/Bro Bill Ashley W/Master of the Newton Lodge and W/Bro John Lawrence Newton Lodge Charity Steward and Treasurer of Newark Charity Stewards Committee.

Following a delightful lunch W/Bro Kevin Hyland presented a cheque for £5,000.00 to Mrs Christine Davison Vice Chairman of NDCG on behalf of Provincial Grand Lodge of Nottinghamshire.

The donation was made on behalf of the late W/Bro Bernie Bosson who was a member of both Newton Lodge and Mark Trent Lodges which meet at Newark Masonic Hall. Bernie’s daughter Jenny Bosson presented a cheque for £500.00 from Trent Mark Lodge to Elaine Ellison Fundraising/ Events Coordinator for NDCG at the lunch.

On a previous occasion had presented another cheque of £500.00 to NDCG from Newton Lodge, in memory of her father, making a grand total of £6,000.00.

W/Bro Bill Ashley presented a number of Teddy Bear’s (TLC Nott’s) for raffle prizes. A red Teddy was presented to Jenny Bosson which she plans to take on a three months tour of Europe in a camper van – the bear will report on her progress as she proceeds. The raffle made a further £135.00 for the funds

(The first picture shows W/Bro Kevin Hyland presenting a cheque for £5,000.00 from PGL to Mrs Christine Davison Vice Chairman of the Newark Dementia Carers Group_)

After Bernie’s wife, May, had been admitted to a care home due to advancing dementia. Bernie became a regular and enthusiastic member of NDCG helping to support other dementia sufferers and their carers. Unfortunately after a too short a time Bernie’s health rapidly deteriorated and following a brief stay in hospital Bernie died in the same care home as his wife May is in

Ken Purslow & Bill Ashley

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