For New & Young Masons
The Byron Club exists to give New and Young Freemasons in Nottinghamshire a means to meet and socialise with like-minded people of similar ages and stages of development within Freemasonry and to provide a link across the whole of the county and its masonic centres.

“New and Young Freemasons” relates to time in Freemasonry rather than age. The club is for Freemasons who belong to Nottinghamshire Lodges or Chapters, or who live in the county, and who have not yet attained a Craft or Royal Arch Metropolitan / Provincial / District or Grand Rank in Nottinghamshire or elsewhere.
The club’s primary role is to provide events, activities and other opportunities of either a social or Masonically educational nature, for new and young Freemasons to meet each other and encourage their involvement in the fraternity, aiming to increase engagement, enjoyment and understanding.
The club encourages and supports participation in our Lodges, Chapters and Freemasonry in general, and promotes openness and pride in our membership of the Craft and the Holy Royal Arch. One of the key messages is the contemporary role Freemasonry plays in modern society, particularly its relation to the younger generations.
The club puts social activities at the heart of its mission and has a great calendar of social events specifically geared towards younger members, or those newer to Freemasonry.