The Saturday Morning Ladies Group was set up in 1996 to enable us to meet socially, expand our circle of friends and show our support for Freemasonry. It is good to have a Group of our own with regular meetings where we can get to know each other and newer members (whose husbands or partners are Freemasons) on a more regular basis other than when meeting, occasionally, at official Masonic functions. Some of our members who are widow have said that belonging to the Group enables them to maintain a connection with Freemasonry and that they also enjoy coming into Goldsmith Street on a regular basis.
We meet on the second Saturday of each month, except August, at the Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham. Coffee is served from 10am, followed by a short informal meeting and a guest speaker. We select speakers carefully to cover a wide range of topics: some thought provoking; some informative and often very amusing. We finish the meeting around 12 noon but many of our members stay to have lunch in the Club, often joined by family and friends.We also arrange outings and informal local lunches and welcome any fresh ideas or social activities you may wish to bring to our meetings.
Our annual subscription is just £10 plus a fee of £2 per meeting (to cover coffee and speakers). All Group profits at the end of the year are donated to the Nottingham Masonic Club at Goldsmith St. Over the past 20 years we have contributed to the purchase of curtains, carpeting, coffee machine, crockery, cutlery, etc. We also paid for the updating and refurbishment of the Belgrave cloakroom and the improvements to the ground floor toilet which, importantly, has also enabled disabled access.
At our March 2016 meeting we celebrated our 20th Anniversary and to mark the occasion donated a further £2,000 to the Masonic Club.