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A Nottinghamshire Masonic Lodge helps local children have a special Christmas

Elliott Masonic Lodge , based in Mansfield made a donation of £500 to the local Fountaindale School to ensure the students at the school could enjoy a special Christmas

Fountaindale is a school for children and young people who are 3 to 18 years old who have profound and multiple learning needs, complex physical and medical needs and sensory needs.

"At Fountaindale we are passionate that every day matters for children and have our children and families at the heart of everything we do."

The school has sent a letter of thanks to the Provincial Charity Committee, thanking them and Elliott Lodge for their generous donation which enabled all students at the school to receive a present from Santa and a Christmas meal

Santa can be seen above with W Bro John Pawlik, the Chair of the Provincial Charity Committee who presented the cheque to Karen Redgate, Fountaindale School Manager

The letter of thanks can be seen below

Just another example of how Nottinghamshire Freemasons strive to assist worthy causes in the local community

More detail on the vision of Fountaindale Schhol and why Nottinghamshire Freemasons and Elliott Lodge were happy to make this donation can be found on the school website at

Further information about the Charity Work of Nottinghamshire Freemasons and the criteria for applying for a donation can be found at

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1 Comment

Jan 27, 2023

Excellent work

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