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Red Ted hits the Heights!


Updated: Jul 27, 2022

On Saturday 16 July, one of the hottest days this year with temperatures touching 30 degrees, Bill Ashley, a committee member of TLC Nottinghamshire, and his son Josh accompanied Red Ted on a 13 mile charity walk in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society.

They walked for Bill’s dad, Josh’s Grandad, who is 90, disabled and touched by dementia which is kept in check with drugs so that he lives ‘in the moment’ most of the time.

The walk was a circular route starting and finishing at Postlip, Gloucestershire. The route meandered through beautiful lanes and across open countryside but a detour to climb Cleeve Hill, the highest point of the Cotswolds Hills standing at 1,083 feet (330 m) added another two miles and several pints of sweat!

The hill commands a clear view to the west, over Cheltenham and the racecourse, over the River Severn and into Wales, and to the north over Winchcombe. Red Ted enjoyed the comfort of the Triangulation Point –, whilst Bill and Josh recovered sufficiently to tackle the descent.

Interviewed in a local hostelry post walk Red Ted heaped praise on his two companions for their conscientious application to the task and thanked them for transporting him throughout the walk.

He observed that he would have preferred to walk with them but, given the heat, his fur made such exertion impossible.

He added that he much enjoyed the scenery from Bill's backpack and from the top of Cleeve Hill , even though the peacefulness of the countryside was spoilt somewhat by the grunts and occasional expletives emanating throughout the day from his companions!

Red Ted wishes to record his congratulations to the much slimmer Bill and Josh for

raising a total of £1,061

This includes £601 donated by Newark Masons from five craft lodges - Newton 1661, Magnus 3441, Corinthian 5528, Newark 8332, St John's 8972 - and Vernon Bussell Chapter 8332.

This amount is before Gift Aid which when added will boost the total even further!

Teddies for Loving Care is funded by donations, if you would like to support this wonderful charity that helps children in hospitals you can send a donation to: TLC Nottingham, Sort Code 60 80 09, Act No 61138541.

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