During this fun packed evening Kirkeby Lodge invited several of its Charity Recipients along to give the Brethren a little more detail as to exactly how much their Charity donations were making
Lashes foundation was given £500.00
More detail about this very personal charity can be found at
Amelie and Nieve for Lashes gave a short live presentation regarding the importance of their charity Youtube link as below
Support dogs received £2500.00 and also gave a live speech on the evening
Support Dogs website
Danny Anderson attended with Burnsie and were superb
Support Dogs is a charity dedicated to saving and improving the lives of families affected by autism, epilepsy and physical disability. Established over 30 years ago they run three main programmes of support:
Epilepsy Seizure alert dogs; Epilepsy is the most common neurological condition in the UK. 3 people die every day as a result of a seizure. These dogs are trained to provide a 100% reliable warning, to the exact minute up to 1 hour before every seizure a client has.
Autism assistance dogs; These provide safety and support for an autistic child and their family. It facilitates a more active and inclusive life enabling a child to access education and health services, leave the house, develop language and social confidence.
Disability Assistance Dogs; These support people living with long term physical disability, most commonly including conditions such as MS, cerebral Palsy and spinal cord injury. The dogs act as carers for the client providing 24/7 support with day to day tasks such dressing and undressing, opening doors, picking up objects, fetching items and providing support and getting help in emergencies.
The charity provides all it services entirely free of charge and is currently providing over 40,000 hour of support over the next year to families in the Mansfield area at a cost to the charity of over £100,000.
1 in 4 of every dog that the charity has worked with over the past 30 years has joined them either from rescue or as an unwanted pet dog. The charity describes itself as champions of the second chance, giving the chance for dogs who have had a tougher star in life, to have the care and training they need to have a wonderful life as a vital, caring support dog.
You can learn about the charity at www.supportdogs.org.uk
Best wishes
Danny Anderson Head of Fundraising Support Dogs - for autism, for epilepsy, for disability our amazing dogs save lives
Did you know? 1 in every 4 support dogs only exist thanks to gifts left to our charity in wills
www.supportdogs.org.uk 0114 261 7800 07779 656297 Registered Charity No. 1088281
Teddies for loving care also received £175.00
Widows Sons received £200.00
Raised an extra £1100.00 on the night which will also be donated to Support Dogs
Quiz won by Bro Andrew Whites table
12 Days of Christmas won by Bro Iain Fryer and Ian Johnson table (Very very spirited and noisy lol)