The Nottinghamshire Freemasons’
Indoor Street Party
for the
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Bring your families and friends
Join in the celebration at one (or both) of our events
Saturday 4 June 2022 5 pm to 9 pm
Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham
Sunday 5 June 2022 1 pm to 5 pm
Masonic Hall, Worksop
Get into the mood with live music covering the last 7 decades. Enjoy party food in a casual, relaxed atmosphere, served on long tables – just like being outside in fact!
Red, white and blue will be the order of the day!
PRICE ONLY: £21.00 pp
Children in full-time education £9.50
Under 5s free
Name: ………………………………………………………………. Lodge ………………………………………………….
Please reserve seats as follows at Goldsmith Street / Worksop (delete as appropriate)
Adults £21pp …………… Children over 5 £9.50 pp ……….. Under 5s free ………….
Dietary requirements: _____________________________________________________________________
I have made a bank transfer * for £_____________ to “PGLN EVENTS”
Sort No. 60-80-09 A/C No. 96898577 Reference: QPJ-_____________
IMPORTANT - Reference: QPJ - followed by your name and initials to help identify payment.
I enclose a cheque * for £_____________ Payable to: “PGLN EVENTS”
Please return this slip to the Provincial Office, Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham,
NG1 5LB or no later than Friday 20 May 2022.