When Bear heard about the challenge to visit different places to celebrate the 3,000,000 TLC bears nationally and the 55,000 in the Province of Nottinghamshire he thought he would speak to his friends at East Midlands Helicopters .
After he had explained what it was all about , they took on board the challenge, accompanied by his minder W Bro Roger Pegg
Bear did his flight planning and preparation, even helping to refuel the helicopter then off he went.

His first flight was a trip to Guernsey, flying back in the dark on instruments.

The rest of his adventures took him as far afield as Newcastle, Scotland, Manchester, and a memorable flight to London, flying into the London Heliport along the Thames.

The Provincial Grand Master visited East Midlands Helicopters to thank them for all their support.
Clearly Bear had become part of the team and even earned the nickname "Bobby" after the newborn son of one of the pilots.
The Provincial Grand Master presented a Bear to the youngest member of the team, the Grand Daughter of the owner. There was much amusement when it was pointed out that her mother Rebecca was known as "Tinker" which became the registration of one of the Helicopters, G-TINK.
Teddies for Loving Care is funded by donations, if you would like to support this wonderful charity that helps children in hospitals you can send a donation to: TLC Nottingham, Sort Code 60 80 09, Act No 61138541.