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Grant Form Application Guidelines

This guide outlines everything we need to see in a funding application.

Before you start, please read this guide so that you have an idea of what we are looking for in your application. It will help you ‘Be Prepared’ The link to the application form is at the end of this Guide.

The Grant programme offers specific funding to charities where the majority of service users are within one of our target support groups. Unfortunately, we do not offer funding for specific projects if most of the charity’s service users are not within one of the target groups.

If you are applying as a branch using the head office’s registered charity number, please also ensure that you have to hand:

  • The latest published accounts together with the independent examiner’s/auditor’s report that were submitted to the Charity Commission under the registered charity number

  • If you have your own accounts, be prepared to submit these when asked to help us understand your particular branch. We will contact you separately about this.

  • Written permission from head office to use the charity registration number to apply

  • We are only able to accept one application per charity number at a time and re-application rules will apply to that number, regardless of whether a different branch of the charity or head office has applied under that same registration number


  • You can ‘save’ the online form and go back to it later before submitting.

  • Please detail all services that your charity provides, even if not all of them fit the target group. We need to understand your charity as a whole.

  • Try writing out the application in Word and then copying and pasting into the application form, this will make it easier to edit if you need to.

  • Even if you have applied to us before, please write your application as if it is for a new audience.

  • Keep it simple and include the key points, avoid jargon and please explain acronyms the first time you use them.

  • Ensure that your figures add up – check and double check.

  • You don’t have to use all of the word count and please avoid repetition. Remember, we read lots of applications and it really helps us if you are concise. Similarly, please think about the formatting so it is not just one long paragraph.

  • Please ensure that you have your latest published charity accounts available and ensure that they are signed – this will reduce any delays.

  • Make sure that the Charity Commission number (where appropriate) and your contact details are correct so that we are able to get in touch with you.

  • Please complete the application form in full. You must upload your latest Safeguarding policy if you have one. 

  • Please check the form has been completed, incomplete forms will not be assessed.

  • Ask someone who doesn’t know your organisation to read your application – does it make sense? Can they get a picture of what your organisation does? Can they identify the key points?

Garage Sale

If you have read this and the earlier content (Eligibility Criteria, FAQ’s, Application Deadlines, Terms and Conditions) and still wish make an application for a grant, please click on the link below which will take you to the Grant Application form.


Remember it is helpful to prepare your answers in advance.

Please consult the Frequently Asked Questions in the first instance for any further clarification

Interested in Joining Us?

Then please get in touch

1. When was your Charitable Organisation established?

  • Organisation start date - Please let us know the month and year that your group was set up or formally established. This is the month and year that the charity was formed. e.g. July 1980

  • Organisation Name

  • Organisation Address

  • Registered Charity Number , or put N/A

  • Main contact preferred title

  • Main contact email address

  • Main contact phone number

  • Name of main contact in relation to this application (e.g. Organiser, CEO, Funds Manager) Optional

  • Email of main contact in relation to this application (e.g. Organiser, CEO, Funds Manager) Optional

  • Phone number of main contact in relation to this application (e.g. Organiser, CEO, Funds Manager) Optional

2. Please tell us what your Charitable Organisation does and who it supports? 

(Maximum 100 words)


Please describe briefly the overall aims and objectives of your organisation and the activities or services it provides.

We are looking for a snapshot of your organisation, similar to how you would introduce your charity in conversation. Think of:

  • What is the main purpose of your organisation?

  • Who do you help?

  • Why do they need help?

  • How do you help them?

3.   Where does your Charitable Organistion work?

Please Note - we can only support Charitable Organisations where the beneficiaries are within Nottinghamshire

This information helps us to build an overall picture of your organisation i.e. is your organisation a local or community charity, or do you work across a larger area. Please include villages, towns, cities and counties.

4.    How many staff and volunteers does the charity have across all the locations it is based?

This includes how many full time and part time staff as well as volunteers you have working in your organisation, i.e. full-time, part time, volunteers.

5.   Financial Information

We are aware that the information we ask for may not necessarily match how your charity’s accounts are prepared, however we require this format so that we can ensure that we have all the information we need.

  • We do need you to complete the form as it is laid out.

  • Your financial information must match the latest published accounts on the Charity Commission website if a registered charity, or your latest audited accounts if not.

  • If we require further financial information we will contact you separately.

  • It may be helpful for you to request assistance from your organisation’s finance department or accountant in order that this section of the application form is completed correctly

  • Please ensure that your figures add up

Detailed Guidance for completing the Grant Application Form
Please Note: The sections below mirror those in the application form and will help you draft your responses before going to the application form itself.
This page is for reference only and is NOT a valid application form.

About your Charitable Organisation

6.    How much are you applying for?

Please round to the nearest pound and use only numbers (i.e. do not enter a £)

  • The maximum you can apply for is £5,000 per year or 20% of your average income over the last 2 years, whichever is the smallest. For example, if your charity’s average income over the last two years was £20,000, the maximum grant you can apply for is £4,000.

  • The minimum grant offered is £250.

  • If this doesn't cover the full cost of the need, where will the remaining balance come from?

  • Please identify which target group you are applying for?

    • This section is for you to identify who you wish to help. Your Charitable Organisation's activities must support the majority (over 75%) of the selected target groups

  • What are the funds required for and how will they be delivered?​

    • Please also include how many people will benefit (primary** and secondary** beneficiaries) along with which area of Nottinghamshire (region/borough) it will help? (Max 200 words)​

      • What issues / challenges are being experienced - evidence of need​

      • How will the project be delivered and over what timescale?

      • How many Primary and Secondard beneficiaries will there be?

  • What measurable outcomes are you working towards through this grant?​ (Max 100 Words​)

    • You have identified the need, now you should identify what results you expect from the project and how its success or otherwise will be measured

  • When are the funds required?​

    • ​Please give the starting date. We will ask for a report at the end of the grant year to find out how the funding has helped your charity overall and and how it has made a difference.

  • Project or organisation changes.

    • It is important we are aware of anything that may change the nature of the relationship or purpose for which the funds have been granted.​

7.    Publicity

  • How did you hear about the charity support undertaken by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Nottinghamshire

  • The Nottinghamshire Masons Charity is funded entirely by freemasons, their families and friends. Charities receiving a grant agree to publicly recognise our grant and our donors. Please summarise how you could work with our communications team to publicise the grant and our donors (Max.100 words) Please consider:

    • How you can work with the Press Team to gain media coverage.

    • Inviting local Freemasons to visit the project and meet staff, volunteers and if appropriate, beneficiaries.

    • Arrange or help to facilitate relevant photography during such visits or other events.

    • Promote our grant through your own communications activities, such as social media, annual reports, and newsletters

    • How you could use the local Freemasons logo where relevant and any naming opportunities

    • Any other means of publicising the grant

    • If there are limitations to the publicity opportunities, please provide details

8.    Other

  • Safeguarding policies

    • All organisations dealing with children or vulnerable people  are required to have appropriate current policies and procedures in place to ensure that those under their care are kept safe, if you have one you must attach it to the application. If this does not apply to you please answer N/A and briefly explain why

  • Disclosure and Barring

    • Formal and Regulatory checks are essential for individuals working with children or vulnerable people, to show there is no known reason why they cannot work in these environments. Please confirm you have these in place where necessary

  • A Successful Application – Payment

    • Successful applicants will be notified and a bank transfer or cheque issued, at our discretion. Cheques will be made payable to the named charity/organisation, and posted/delivered to the person nominated as the Main Contact.  You should, therefore, advise us here if you wish another person to receive the cheque.

9.    Name of Applicant

This must be the CEO or other authorised member or Signatory of the applying charity/charitable organisation. Please remember that submission of a completed on-line application binds the organisation to the stated Terms and Conditions in the event of a Grant being offered and accepted. It is also a confirmation that you have answered all questions truthfully and to the best of your knowledge.

10.   Date of Application

Please enter the date of submitting the application form

About the Grant Request

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