About the Lodge
Our Lodge meets on the first Saturday of the month between October and April, with the January meeting being predominantly dedicated to a ‘Family Night’ where Masons bring their partners, elder children, friends and special guests to an evening of thanks and celebration for all their support.
Rhythm: Meetings are the first Saturday of October, November, December, February, March & April (Saturday in January is Family Night). Rehearsals are usually the Thursday before, in casual attire, at 19:30 hours
Time: Commencing at 17:30, the meeting is followed by an evening meal with optional wine which is referred to as the ‘Festive Board’ and is also an optional activity but rewarding part of Freemasonry, usually finishing around 21:30 hours
Location: The Belgrave Rooms, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham, NG1 5LB
Outside of the ‘Masonic Season’ we encourage social gatherings such as an annual shooting competition and BBQ’s as well as other events proposed by the Brethren and their partners. Dates vary depending on availability and attendance.
Our Lodge has always been popular, as our meetings are on a Saturday evening have proven to be extremely convenient for workers who might struggle to make a mid-week lodge night. We currently have 28 active members from ranging from their early 20’s to early 70’s with an average age of 55.
As few Lodges meet at a weekend, this allows Sherwood Lodge to create an enjoyable and relaxed atmosphere for Lodge nights, with informal dinners which are very well attended, and the atmosphere is vibrant followed by opportunity to extend to our socialising into the City Centre afterwards.
We have members from England, Scotland, Wales, Canada, Spain, Italy, Brazil and even Finland. We have welcomed men from every faith and every profession and are proud of our diverse membership which contributes to and enriches our Lodge.

Lodge History
Sherwood Lodge, in the Province of Nottinghamshire was warranted by The United Grand Lode of England on 8th April 1919. In our first 100 years we have maintained a vibrant, much loved and sociable lodge that welcomes new members and visitors with pleasure and ease.
Sponsored by The Duchess of Portland Lodge, Sherwood Lodge started with 12 members, and we are so named after Lord Sherwood, Sir Charles Sealy, an MP who served Lincoln and Mansfield and lived at Sherwood Lodge, which is now the headquarters of Nottinghamshire Police.
Ideal Candidate
Our ideal candidate should have a sociable and respectful personality, blended with a strong sense of duty and commitment to attend lodge regularly, participate fully, be willing to take an active role in the ceremonies and give it their best.
A man of any age, any profession and any background would be welcome if they came with a sense of enthusiasm and respect. In return they would receive our friendship and support for life.
Our lodge has no particular themes or special interests, being open and inclusive to all with a broad range of members from their early twenties to their early eighties.