About the Lodge
Meetings are held six times a year on the first Monday of each month from October to April, excluding January, at the Masonic Hall on Goldsmith Street in Nottingham. Rehearsals are held in the two weeks leading up to these meetings, again on a Monday evening.
Our goal is for members and visitors to enjoy our meetings and leave feeling happy and satisfied, looking forward to their next visit to Round Table Lodge of Nottinghamshire.
The Lodge is known as a friendly Lodge and prides itself on friendship and camaraderie among the members. We have a number of regular visitors, and our members are encouraged to bring along Brethren from other Lodges. The meal after the meeting on average finishes about 9.45pm.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of Freemasonry is visiting other Lodges and getting involved in their traditions and hospitality. This widens your social network, and new friends are easily made. Round Table Lodge actively encourages members to visit other lodges and invites members of other lodges to visit them. We also regularly visit a lodge in Spain.
Further information
You can send an email to express your interest in joining Round Table Lodge of Nottinghamshire by emailing the Lodge Membership Officer.
Round Table Lodge Membership Officer email address: peter.gill5@ntlworld.com

Lodge History
Established in October 1974, Round Table Lodge of Nottinghamshire originated from the Round Table movement. It was a natural progression for young men who, due to age restrictions, were asked to explore new avenues in Freemasonry at the age of forty.
The idea behind this early transition was to keep Round Table's membership young and forward-thinking, with the motto of "adopt, adapt, and improve." Many members were already involved in Freemasonry before turning forty, emphasising good citizenship, friendship, and charity.
Originally, only those with a Round Table background could join the lodge. However, membership has since expanded to include friends, associates, and the wider community, offering the opportunity for more individuals to experience the fellowship and friendship that Round Table Lodge provides.
The Lodge has evolved over the years while staying true to its core values and traditions of Freemasonry. Members come from diverse backgrounds and travel from various locations to attend meetings, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. This benefits us by having a group of people with a range of different personalities, skills and qualities.
Ideal Candidate
To increase numbers of the Lodge membership and ensure retention of members, a candidate profile is detailed below:
• Men of all ages and backgrounds to create a lively and diverse membership group
• Has interpersonal skills and enjoy socialising
• Have availability and being able to commit to the Monday evenings
• Have a willingness to learn
• Have a willingness to get involved in the activities of the Lodge with the support of their families.