About the Lodge
Pinner Lodge is a Masonic Lodge founded for the benefit of commercial travellers in 1908 which has met from October to April every year since then on a Saturday.
What was Freemasonry about in 1908? The same as it is today.
The Masonic philosophy is that we try to be good citizens by practicing the highest moral and social standards in friendship, charity and integrity.
Our meeting take place at Goldsmith Street, Nottingham on the third Saturday in the month at 5.00pm apart from the February installation which starts at 4.00pm.
The Lodge being formed for commercial travellers, we now today have a diverse membership from all quarters of life, Doctors, engineers, accountants, civil servants and many others.
This mix gives a varied, diverse, contrasting environment to enjoy ritual in the temple and at the festive board.

Lodge History
Consecrated in 1908.
In 1907 Freemasonry was enjoying a period of immense popularity. New Lodges were formed all over the country and in Nottingham two recently formed were Welbeck Lodge No. 2890 and Thoresby Lodge No. 3106.
The Welbeck Lodge had a number of members that were Commercial Travellers who obviously mixed with other travellers, many of which were Freemasons. Having to work out of town for most of the week, they all found it difficult to attend weekday Lodges. It was these that had the idea to form a Lodge that could meet on a Saturday.
The Founders were made up of ten Commercial Travellers and two Agents of the twelve, two were members of Welbeck Lodge
It is believed that the Lodge name was chosen due to the link with the Commercial Traveller’s School at Pinner.
Ideal Candidate
We welcome any male of mature age who wishes to better themselves and the society which they reside and share.
Those who share our core values of Brotherly love, have a belief in upholding the moral good of society, are of a charitable nature and with a true desire to increase their knowledge within Freemasonry.
In return we will promise you companionship and camaraderie within the Lodge, with males who share your values, not just at Pinner Lodge, but also in all the Masonic Lodges in this country and around the world, for it is a worldwide Brotherhood!
We always help in your attempt to make yourself a better man and Freemason. We encourage every brother to progress their Masonic knowledge and career as far as they wish to go.
If you, have a belief in a “Supreme Being”, of any religion, and a desire to improve yourself as a person within a friendly Lodge then please contact for more information,
The Pinner Lodge 3300 Membership Officer & Secretary:
Mike Crawford. michael.crawford@btinternet.com 07703 131464
We look forward to welcoming you into Freemasonry.