About the Lodge
A well-attended and vibrant lodge, Pelham draws its members from a wide variety of backgrounds and occupations, and its members share a strong bond of friendship and camaraderie.
It meets 9 times a year, from September to May inclusive (no meetings in June, July and August) and, with the exception of our December meeting is on the third Thursday of the month, usually commencing at 6.15pm. In December, for logistical reasons around the festive holidays, we meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month.
One of our characteristics is that we take our ceremonies seriously, both in terms of their significance in relation to our Masonic values, and the quality of the delivery, and strive to conduct ceremonies that are a credit to the lodge and enjoyable and meaningful for the recipients.
Members are encouraged to progress within the lodge, and to get involved and participate in the ceremonies, and also to progress through the ranks to eventually become Master, should they so choose. This may not be for everyone, and there are some members who choose to just enjoy being a member of the lodge – it is everyone’s personal choice and any decision will be respected.
Our current membership are drawn from diverse backgrounds and occupations, and what we have in common has more to do with our Masonic beliefs and values rather than what each of us does as an occupation.
Following each meeting, we dine together at the Masonic hall, and there are several themed nights – for example an ‘Old English’ night at Christmas, and a ‘Caledonian Night’ (which by virtue of the fact that our lodge meeting never falls on Burns Night, we nevertheless celebrate in a remarkably similar manner but call it a ‘Caledonian’!). Masonic guests are always welcome at any meeting, and we also have meetings where we invite non-Masonic guests to dine with us as well (Partners, spouses, family or friends)
There is also a thriving social calendar at Worksop Masonic Hall including Dinner Dances, Quiz Nights, Children’s Christmas Parties, Remembrance Services and other lunchtime and evening events. We also have our own Ladies Evening which is perpetual favourite.
We have a Membership Team to engage with all members to ensure that newer members are made welcome and quickly integrated in to the life of the lodge, although are a friendly crowd so their job is usually quite straightforward.
We hold collections and raffles on lodge nights to raise charitable funds that support local charities and other Masonic good causes.

Lodge History
Pelham Lodge held its first meeting in January of 1863.
It owes its existence to a number of Worksopian Masons who were at that time travelling to Britannia Lodge in Sheffield to enjoy their Masonry, who no doubt felt that a local Lodge would be more convenient, and thus Pelham Lodge was the result. Although the journey was only about 20 miles, that in the 1860’s, the journey from Worksop to Sheffield would have been a very different proposition to what we would experience now!
Over 150 years old, Pelham Lodge continues to flourish, but takes pride in its traditions and history.
Ideal Candidate
We welcome enquiries from anyone who shares those Masonic values of Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity.
If you do, and would like to join a lodge that has a strong sense of friendship and camaraderie, holds firm to these shared principles, strives to deliver high quality ceremonies whilst at the same time making sure we are happy and communicate happiness, then we would like to hear from you.