About the Lodge
Duchess of Portland Lodge is a small and friendly Lodge meeting in West Bridgford. It was originally founded in 1912 and was then a Lodge of Chemists and Pharmacists. It is the only Lodge currently meeting that is named after a Duchess.
Today the Lodge has members from a wide range of trades and professions including IT, Accountancy, Health Service, Engineering and Charcuterie.
Over the last hundred years there have been many changes and the Lodge currently has a caucus of young and enthusiastic Masons who are keen to progress and take the Lodge into the future.
The Lodge has a reputation for good ritual and good dining. Whilst we have many excellent ritualists within the lodge, we are committed to supporting each other as brothers and have helped many brethren that struggle to learn the ritual to be able to progress and go through the chair.
The Lodge meets on the third Thursday of November, January, February, March, and April. Meeting times are organised to enable the younger mason to be able to attend after work rather than having to take an afternoon off.
We have a strong commitment to helping the community at large primarily through our charitable activities and have been recognised by many masonic charities for the outstanding contributions that we have made. However, we do not stop there and support many minor and local charities that are dear to the hearts of the members.
Widely acknowledged to be a warm and friendly Lodge, we actively encourage visitors and visit a variety of Lodges with which we have connections. We have a keen interest in understanding and discussing the ritual and often host talks and lectures to enable our brethren to lift the veil and probe deeper into the allegories and symbolism of freemasonry. Such evenings prompt much interesting conversation over a convivial glass of beer or some such in the bar after the meeting.

Lodge History
The Duchess of Portland Lodge received its warrant or charter from the United Grand Lodge of England on 12th December 1911, and was subsequently formally consecrated on 29th February 1912.
The lodge came into being when members of Castle Lodge 3219, desirous of forming a new lodge, petitioned for the charter to form a new lodge. The lodge was to be named The Duchess of Portland Lodge and was granted the number 3570 and formed part of the Masonic Province of Nottinghamshire.
Ideal Candidate
We would particularly encourage the younger candidate who is looking for a good start in freemasonry and is seeking a supportive and friendly Lodge in which practice Freemasonry. We recognise that there are times in a brother’s career and family circumstances when freemasonry must take a back seat and we are strongly committed to supporting a brother in staying connected with the lodge until such time as he wishes to be more actively involved.
Additionally, we are happy to receive the more mature candidate and our broad age profile will ensure that whatever age you are when you join us, there will be a friendly masonic family waiting to welcome you as a new brother. Apart from the normal questions asked of a candidate, our additional question would be to ask, “When would now be a good time to join us?”