About the Lodge
In common with most Freemason Lodges de Sutton meets in the evening, normally at 6:00pm. On the 4th Tuesday of the month from October to April except December when we meet on the 3rd Monday to allow for the Christmas festivities.
The evening comprises of two halves, the first half is held in the 'Temple' and is the formal part of the night when we initiate new members or progress existing members within the Lodge. This is also when the administrative business is carried out, for example, ballots to approve membership applications or charitable donations.
The second half of the evening is less formal and normally starts off with a drink and a chat at the bar before sitting down for an evening meal. The evening normally concludes around 10:30pm
In addition to the seven Lodge meetings a year, we have additional evenings when members participating in ceremonies are expected to attend a rehearsal.
Sociability is an important part of our organisation and members are encouraged to attend and join in events such 'Black tie Evenings', BBQ's, Sunday Lunches, Curry Evenings, Race Nights, Christmas party evenings to name but a few. Wives, partners and girlfriends are encouraged to join in these events.
Further information:
You can send an email to express your interest in joining de Sutton Lodge by emailing the Lodge Membership Officer. WB Philip Morris
Lodge Membership Officer Email address: morrispk1959@gmail.com

Lodge History
de Sutton Lodge is not named after the Nottinghamshire town of Sutton in Ashfield but alludes to the family who for over 200 years during the middle ages were "Lords of the Manor”. Our Lodge Banner is composed of elements of the arms of the "de Suttons" together with Masonic allusions.
de Sutton Lodge originally met in a room above the Denman’s Head Public House in Sutton in Ashfield Market Place. It was one of three Lodges who met at that venue, "Ashfield Lodge no 2412" was consecrated 21st October 1891 and many years later some members of Ashfield Lodge founded de Sutton Lodge which was consecrated 16th July 1951. In 1974 following the members decision to expand, de Sutton Lodge’s daughter Lodge, the "Elliott Lodge no 8569", was founded and consecrated 20th May 1974. All three Lodges continued to meet at the Denman’s Head until 1990 when they agreed to move their meetings to the Masonic Hall at Mansfield where they still meet today.
de Sutton Lodge continues to thrive with a membership of over 50 brethren, young and old, drawn from a broad spectrum of occupations, trades and professions, it is well known for its hospitality and congeniality.
Ideal Candidate
Men of all ages and backgrounds over the age of 18 to create a lively & and diverse membership group.
Must have a belief in a God or Supreme Being.
Have interpersonal skills and enjoy socialising.
Having availability to commit to Tuesday evenings.
Have a willingness to learn
Have a desire to get involved in the activities of the Lodge with the support of their families
Be of good character without any criminal convictions
Must have the full support of their partner