About the Lodge
We meet at the Masonic Hall (Oakham Suite), 155 Nottingham Road, Mansfield, NG18 4AE, in the early evening on the third Tuesday of January, February, March, April, October, November, and December. Our masonic year actually commences in October (5pm start), then each month when we usually meet at 6.15pm, when we have different masonic themes. Meetings are followed by dinner when we enjoy fellowship together.
There are annual costs to joining our Lodge which compare favorably with other clubs/organisations and we are happy to discuss on enquiry.
We have just under 40 members, which includes a growing number of younger members who have a variety of occupations and others who are retired. Whilst the average age of the membership is around or after retirement age, we are initiating more and more younger men which will lower the average age of membership. Our members enjoy a wide range of interests and pursuits. We are not a specific interest Lodge, there being no common thread between the brethren, although a good number are golfers.
Broxtowe Lodge has never turned down anyone from becoming a member on the grounds of age, race, religion or sexuality, happily embracing the principle of equality with every brother being equal irrespective of his station in life. This illustrates that Masonry does not discriminate in any way. The aim is to create friendships amongst good men, regardless of politics, religion, or background.
Every new Brother receives guidance through a personal mentor. We also have an Almoner to provide support when Brethren are ill. A Member of Broxtowe Lodge is never alone; there is always someone at your side.
Broxtowe Lodge has a reputation as a happy lodge and has played its part in the Province of Nottinghamshire during over a century of existence. Our many visitors describe our lodge as such, which is a testament to our approach, whilst enjoying great fellowship.
Within any individual member’s own means, perhaps the most important way we demonstrate our involvement with the community is the amount we contribute to charities in general and to local charities in particular, both masonic and non-masonic. This is not always appreciated by the public because until relatively recently Freemasonry has been reluctant to advertise its charitable giving. However, in recent times more openness on this topic has been forthcoming and therefore Broxtowe Lodge has used the local press on occasions to improve the public knowledge of its activities.
Social Events
There are many social events organised by both the Province (County of Nottinghamshire) and individual lodges, some being for the purpose of charitable fund-raising and all involving partners and family. Broxtowe Lodge holds an annual ‘Ladies event’ which is sometimes a formal dinner and dance or a more casual less formal occasion. There are other casual relaxed events during the year-lunches, garden parties, walks, picnics, and race nights.

Lodge History
Broxtowe Lodge Number 3648 was established on 28th October 1913.
As Freemasons, we are united by our shared values, which, in addition to this site are described at https://www.ugle.org.uk/discover
‘Broxtowe’ was selected as being the name of the “Hundred” of which Mansfield was the chief town. Since Anglo-Saxon times much of England was divided into regions called Hundreds, probably based on a group of 100 families and the land they occupied.
Our Lodge banner includes our Motto “Alterum Alterius Auxilio Eget” which translated means “Each needs the help of the other.” The pandemic virus we endured from 2020-2022 clearly reminds us of the significance of these words which are timeless.
Ideal Candidate
Besides fulfilling the criteria required for consideration to become a Freemason; Broxtowe Lodge welcomes applications from good men who have the desire to become better men, have a willingness to learn, are enthusiastic, enjoy stimulating conversation and are keen to rise to new challenges. A desire to participate in the Masonic journey of self-development, a belief in a Supreme Being and to be at least 18 years of age.
Broxtowe Lodge prides itself on the level of inclusion from all new members in the running of the Lodge, so if you are the type of person who would like to become involved at this level, Broxtowe Lodge would like to hear from you.
Having read this introduction to Broxtowe Lodge if you feel that you would like to discuss your interest in Freemasonry further with a view to joining us, please contact the Lodge Secretary: james_pinder@hotmail.com