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Craft Provincial Grand Lodge meeting

Friday 6th May 2022 saw the first full PGL AGM for a couple of years due to the pandemic and it was so good to see the Temple full again with a great atmosphere

Brethren were certainly enjoying the fellowship that makes our Organisation so special

The Provincial Grand Master appointed his Officers recognising their continuing hard work along with that from the First Appointments and Promotions

The ceremony was followed by an excellent Festive Board where we were treated to an account of a fresh faced Initiate from 37 years and 145 days ago that rose the become the Provincial Grand Master

The images below are just a selection that show the convivial time being had by all present

A very successful day out and big thanks to all those that worked tirelessly to make it such a special day

The Provincial Grand Master also announced that the 2029 Festival will commence in 2023 and that Lodges would soon be provided with more detail to support their efforts

W Bro John Pawlik, Chair of the Charity Committee, took the opportunity to point the way forward for the Provinces efforts ;-) or put in simple terms Onwards and Upwards !

(Above images cc Provincial Photographer Paul Hancock & thanks to Asst PGM Wall for the 3 images below)

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