Lost and found!
Emily Suffolk was rushed to the Queens Medical Hospital, Nottingham, by her mother, Kate, when she injured her eye.
On arrival Emily was screaming with pain and uncommunicative. The nurse in charge knew exactly what to do and summoned a group of TLC bears to her bedside.
Emily, intrigued, peeped through her ‘good’ eye and without hesitation chose Pink Ted who leapt into action and quickly settled the distressed little girl.
After treatment Emily was able to go home but the memory of the incident has lingered and Pink Ted and Emily became inseparable friends.

Then disaster occurred!
Pink Ted went missing after a shopping trip and Emily was inconsolable.
Mum Kate seeing how distressed Emily was contacted TLC Nottinghamshire, and Graham Riche their Chairman, who lives nearby, rushed round after school to deliver a new Pink Ted to a grateful Emily.
Brother Luke was with his sister and whilst talking to Kate it emerged that he has had some health issues which entailed regular hospital visits, but he never received a bear. Graham was immediately able to rectify this and Luke happily chose a yellow bear.

Mum, Emily and Luke then left for tea with Grandma who was rustling up a favourite of Emily’s, fish fingers and chips, I hope she shared some with Pink Ted!
Teddies for Loving Care is funded by donations, if you would like to support this wonderful charity that helps children in hospitals you can send a donation to: TLC Nottingham, Sort Code 60 80 09, Act No 61138541.