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Royal Sussex Lodge


Nottingham City Centre

About the Lodge

We are a lodge that enjoys dining together and having fun. We do not hold LOIs, but have a rehearsal before meetings. Meetings begin at 6pm on the 3rd Tuesday in October, December, February and in April, which is our Installation meeting. Meetings usually end by 9.30pm.

We have many daughter lodges, including the Nottingham University Lodge and although many of our members are senior Freemasons, we now have a thriving younger membership, which we intend to develop

A picture of a Masonic Lodge Banner

Interested in Joining Us?

Then please get in touch

Lodge History

The Royal Sussex Lodge, No. 402 was found in 1829 by Colonel Wildman, then PGM of Nottinghamshire, and is one of the oldest lodges in the province

Ideal Candidate

Many of our members are professional men involved in medicine, or the law. We also have strong connections with the Services, both RAF and Army – Regular and Territorial. We welcome those of any faith and believe that our Brotherhood under the Fatherhood of God is most important. Our common values of integrity and friendship are stressed.
Age is not an issue in joining, or initiate members and we are keen to meet anyone who may be interested in Freemasonry in general and RSL in particular.

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